
here you can find the best software to create, reinforce, integrate your learning paths also on line.
(The programs are still in beta. To report malfunctions or things that can be improved contact us. Thanks)

touch and count

how many? Touch and count them

they must be..

count the objects and then add or remove because they must be ...

simple operations

perform simple addition and subtraction operations

objects and line

insert and remove objects and observe the line of numbers


with this abacus you can better understand the numbers


you can play with blocks to understand numbers even better

drag the cards

drag cards, watch, reflect, play


dial the numbers you want to understand how they work

read the number

the program gives you random numbers try to read them

tachisto scope

can you tell how many objects there are before they disappear?

line of numbers

can you read numbers in line?

compose the number

do you want to compose a number?

compose decompose

do you want to break down a number to understand how "it's done"?

build and break

you can create the number you want and break it down to understand how it is "made"

find number

find the number that you want


drag coins and banknotes to the stage and watch to learn more about the euro


play and watch to understand how equivalences work